Recipe Curry lamb

Profitez de la saison de l'agneau pour réaliser cette recette aux parfums indiens. Cette viande noble se marie sublimement bien avec les fruits et les épices. Dépaysement garanti au bout de la fourchette.

Agneau au curry
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Preparation time:
45 mn
Heat treatment time:
Shelf life:
12 mois
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Number of persons: 4 à 6 personnes
  • 1 kg d'épaule d'agneau
  • concentré de tomate
  • 20 g de curry en poudre
  • 30 g de raisins secs
  • 1 oignon
  • 1 bouquet garni
  • 3 gousses d'ail
  • 1/2 l. de fond de veau
  • 1 banane
  • 1 tomate moyenne
  • 1 pomme (granny-smith)
  • sel, poivre

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We recommend: Les Bocaux Le Parfait Super > Bocal - 0,25 l (Diamètre : 70)


  1. Cut the lamb shoulder in diced about 2 cm and mix them in a hollow dish with the curry then salt and pepper. Mince the onion, peel the 3 cloves of garlic, cut the banana into a rings, hide and cut the apple in 1/8, cut the tomato into 4.
  2. Inside a casserole dish, brown the lamb in a bottom of olive oil for 5 minutes over high heat. Add the onion, garlic, 2 tablespoons of tomato puree then cook for 5 minutes over high heat. Finally, add the banana, the apple, the raisins, the tomato, the bouquet garni and the veal bottom then bring to a boil over high heat and cook 50 minutes over medium heat.
  3. Remove the lamb and put it in the jars.
  4. Mix the sauce after removing the bouquet garni.
  5. Add the sauce to the jar up to 2 cm from the edge. Close and immediately proceed to the heat treatment for 1:30 to 100 ° C.

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