Recipe Duck rillettes

Faire une recette maison et régaler sa famille rend fier ! Et encore plus quand il s'agit d'une recette comme les rillettes de canard : originale, authentique et tellement meilleure quand c'est fait maison !

Rillettes de canard
Preparation time:
5 h environ
Heat treatment time:
Shelf life:
12 mois
Community rating:


Number of persons: 6
  • Maigre de canard et panne de porc en quantités égales
  • Aromates (thym, laurier, clous de girofle)
  • Sel, poivre

Recommended products

We recommend: Les Terrines Le Parfait Familia Wiss> Terrine - 200 g (Diamètre : 82)


  1. Start this duck recipe by cutting the meager duck into thin strips.
  2. Break the breakdowns in pieces by removing as much fat.
  3. Start cooking with the casserole dish and bake at bass temperature with a water background, melt the breakdown then add the lean duck, spices, salt and pepper. Cook for 4 to 5 hours, mixing often. The fibers must part with each other.
  4. Remove thyme, bay leaf, cloves from this homemade terrine.
  5. Crush the preparation to obtain a homogeneous paste and fill your terrines Le Parfait Great or Le Parfait Familia Wiss up to 2 cm from the edge. Close and immediately proceed to sterilization (heat treatment) for 1:30 to 100 ° C.

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