Are you asking yourself a lot of questions about the cooking time of your preserves-house? Can we consider low temperature cooking? How to sterilize jars well? We have the answers!
First, let's talk about vocabulary! Cooking is different from sterilization and, moreover, the term sterilization used commonly is not very fair. The appropriate but certainly less common term is "heat treatment".
The preparation of your preserves-house is broken down into two steps: the cooking time of food and their heat treatment time (pasteurization or sterilization). There is no standard heat treatment duration: it is to be adapted according to your house recipes. It is during this step that the temperature must exceed 100 ° C for sterilization, and be between 85 and 100 ° C for pasteurization which is necessary to eliminate bacteria. You will understand, low temperature cooking is therefore prohibited.
Note that you can sterilize with pressure utensils: pressure cooker, pressure cooker ... and pasteurize with sterilizer (or any other non-pressure device and for which you can measure the temperature), you just have to clean the edges of the jars and use new joints or new capsules, close them and proceed to thermal treatment. For this the jars must all be immersed because it is water that will lead the heat; If not you will have to put back water. Finally, although the taste of food is not altered with conservation in jar, here is a small detail that will be important when you make one of the delicious recipes Le Parfait : Cooking food continues during heat treatment, take into account. It's up to you now!
Consult our sections:
How to do your preserves?
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