Recipe Pumpkin jam

Comment être sûr de pouvoir offrir un dessert rapide mais délicieux à ses enfants ? Faire des bocaux de confiture de potiron ! En plus, cette confiture maison fera des merveilles le soir d'Halloween.

Confiture de potiron
Preparation time:
20 min
Shelf life:
12 mois
Community rating:


Number of persons: Plusieurs
  • 2 kg de potiron
  • 2 kg de sucre cristallisé
  • 1 jus de citron
  • Une pincée de gingembre

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  1. The day before, peel, seed and cut the pumpkin.
  2. Macerate the pumpkin flesh in a container with the sugar for 24 hours.
  3. The next day, cook this pumpkin recipe with lemon juice and ginger over medium heat until you get the desired consistency.
  4. Check the cooking by testing the jam. Pour a few drops on a cold plate then tip the plate. Homemade jam must run slowly.
  5. Put your pumpkin jam in a pot immediately, close the lid of your jams and turn them over for 1 minute, then put them back to the location to let them cool.

Do not forget to prepare labels to recognize your jars and date the recipe.

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