Recipe Jam with dry apricots, almonds and lavender

Quelle succulente recette d'été que cette originale confiture d'abricots parsemée d'amendes et parfumée à la lavande ! Une confiture maison à ne pas manquer.

Confiture aux abricots secs, amandes et lavande
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Preparation time:
Heat treatment time:
45 min
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Number of persons: Plusieurs
  • 500 g d'abricots secs
  • 1 litre d'eau
  • 200 g de sucre
  • Quelques fleurs de lavande du jardin
  • 20 amandes concassées

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We recommend: Confituriers Le Parfait > Confiturier - 324 ml (Diamètre : 82)


  1. Put the apricots chosen for this homemade jam to dip in water for 24 hours, crushing them a little.
  2. Leave the apricots in their water and bring to a boil with the sugar for 15 minutes. Take them out and switch everything to the mix or crush them with a fork if they are very candied.
  3. Continue cooking apricot jam by putting everything 30 min over very low heat.
  4. Add the almonds and sugar to your apricot jam.
  5. Ecumem regularly.
  6. Check the right jam taking by carrying out the cold plate test. Pour a few drops of jam on a cold plate, tip the plate, the jam must sink gently.
  7. 10 min before the end of cooking, add the lavender flowers. Quickly put this jam with apricots, almonds and lavender, turn the pots for 1 min and put them back to the place so that they cool.

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