Recipe Sweet potato puree with cinnamon

Voilà une purée très originale à mettre dans toutes les assiettes ! Succès garanti. Variez les plaisirs en la déclinant avec des épices différentes. Si vous la conditionnez en petite portion, vous pouvez même la proposer à bébé et celle là, vous ne la trouverez nulle par ailleurs.

Purée de patates douces à la cannelle
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Preparation time:
15 min
Heat treatment time:
45 min
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Number of persons: 4 à 6 personnes
  • 1 kg de patates douces
  • 25 cl de crème fraîche liquide
  • 2 étoiles de badiane (anis étoilé)
  • 1 bâton de cannelle
  • 1 feuille de laurier

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We recommend: Les Terrines Le Parfait Familia Wiss> Terrine - 200 g (Diamètre : 82)


  1. Heat the cream in a small saucepan with the starry stars and the cinnamon stick and then remove from the heat, cover and infuse 30 minutes.
  2. Peel the sweet potatoes, cut them into large cubes and bake them for 10 to 15 minutes in a saucepan of boiling water with the bay leaf, until the pieces are tender.
  3. Then drain, remove the bay leaf, put the sweet potatoes back in the still hot pan and crush them with a potato gap.
  4. Mix the puree over low heat with the infused liquid cream, lightly salt, and pepper.
  5. Fill the terrines Le Parfait Super 125 up to 2 cm from the edge, close and immediately proceed to the heat treatment, 45 minutes at 1200 ° C.

Tips: Cook the soft potatoes with water, crush and mix them with the hot liquid cream, adding 1 pinch of powdered ginger, 3 pinches of curry or turmeric, 3 pinch of cinnamon and 2 pinch pinned (star anise) in powder. To taste a small baby pot, open the jar and warm it in the microwave. Check the temperature before giving your child a spoon.

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