Recipe Orange wine

Vin d'orange
Preparation time:
20 min + 24h de repos
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Number of persons: Plusieurs
  • 4 oranges douces non traitées
  • 2 citrons non traités
  • 300 g de sucre
  • 3 bouteilles de 75 cl de vin blanc sec
  • 30 cl d'eau de vie
  • 1 bâton de cannelle
  • 1 gousse de vanille

Recommended products

We recommend: Les Bocaux Le Parfait Super > Bocal - 0,75 l (Diamètre : 85)


  1. Pour the powdered sugar, dry white wine and alcohol into the jar. Close and let the sugar dissolve 24 hours by waving moderately from time to time.
  2. The next day, brush, wash and dry the oranges and lemons. Cut them in 2, then in half-rounds and put everything in the jar with the cinnamon stick and the vanilla pod.
  3. Close and let macerate in a cool place and out of light for 8 weeks. Shake once a week.
  4. Transfer the bottle preparation using a funnel by filtering it through a fine cloth. Fog and wait another 15 days before tasting fresh as an aperitif or digestive.

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Bonjour. Quelle eau de vie ? Dans certaines recettes on parle de vodka. Qu en pensez vous? Merci 😊 😊


je rajoute badiane clou de girofle à la canelle vanille plus subtil
Que des compliments au goût!


J’adore cette recette ! Elle vaut 5 étoiles !!!

Baucé Angelita

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