Potager des villes, potager des champs

Cities vegetable garden, vegetable garden of fields

Cities vegetable garden, vegetable garden of fields

In May, we do what we like! So, we plant, water and savor our harvests. Whether you are in town or in the countryside, nothing easier than making your own vegetable garden, just a little tips and tips.

But before we start, some interesting figures (from a recent BVA study) which show us that the vegetable garden is very successful:
- 31% of French people have a vegetable garden in their garden.
- 17% have one on their terrace/balcony.
- Half of the non-detentors wish one day to have one.

We will mainly be interested in city dwellers who by definition do not have much room to satisfy their gardening desires and may not dare embark on this great adventure ... If you are lucky enough to have a balcony or window edge, we will deliver some tips to allow you to make your own vegetables grow and then keep them well. So shut up, here are our “Garden in the City” tips.

Depending on your available space you can make yourself:
-    An aromatic garden With mint, thyme, parsley, chives ... which can be cultivated in a pot and will be useful to enhance your dishes or to make a delicious mojito.
-    A small vegetable garden with small vegetables such as cherry tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, pickles, radishes, zucchini ... There are even vegetable garden devices dating from the Middle Ages which are restored in the spotlight and which integrate very well on a balcony.
-    For the lucky ones, those who have the most space, to you the big bins In which you can plant potatoes and carrots or even small fruit trees such as gooseberry, strawberries and raspberries for the pleasure of little gourmets.

Once planted, let your vegetables mature then remember to can can take advantage of them later in the year. Depending on the quantities collected, you can do several jars or just 1 or 2, you see ... with Le Parfait It's simple, healthy and above all economical! 

Moreover, this notion of self -absorption is gradually installed within the house and designers are very thinking about domestic gardens. The “Green Crisis” competition organized by ESAG in 2011 awarded its 1st prize to Amélie Vermesch which offered a real interior vegetable garden and maintains that a 100m² garden allows you to feed a family of 4 people for 1 year. The drop in purchasing power and the growing desire to do yourself go in the direction of these initiatives. This is why we see appearing in the streets or even on the roof of buildings in large cities, more and more collective gardens.

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