Recipe Banana jam with lemon zest

Vos pots de confiture s'ennuient, vides dans vos placards. Si, si ! Il est temps de les occuper avec des morceaux de bananes, rehaussés d'audacieux zestes de citron. Un vrai fourmillement de saveurs pour les papilles !

Confiture de bananes aux zestes de citron
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Number of persons: Plusieurs
  • 1,2 kg de bananes épluchées
  • 1kg de sucre gélifiant
  • 3 citrons non traités

Recommended products

We recommend: Confituriers Le Parfait > Confiturier - 324 ml (Diamètre : 82)


  1. Take the zest from a lemon, boost them for 3 minutes and then drain and rinse them with cold water.
  2. Recover the juice of the 3 lemons.
  3. EPlush and cut the banana in 2 lengthwise and then in 5 mm thick slices.
  4. In your cooking container, mix the banana pieces, lemon zest, giant sugar and lemons juice. Leave to macerate overnight.
  5. Cook. Allow 5 minutes over high heat from boiling without stirring.
  6. Check the cooking of this banana jam by pouring a few drops on a cold plate then tilt the plate. The jam must flow slowly.
  7. ECumer and proceed without waiting for the jars of your jam, then turn them over.

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