Recipe Natural peas

Erbsen sind reich an Proteinen und aufgrund ihrer leuchtend grünen Farbe eines der beliebtesten Frischprodukte von Loustics. Das Kinderessen wird mit diesem Erbsenrezept also auf jeden Fall ein Erfolg.

Petits pois au naturel
Preparation time:
30 Minuten
Heat treatment time:
1:15 Uhr
Shelf life:
12 Monate
Community rating:


Number of persons: 4
  • Erbsen
  • Salz
  • Puderzucker (optional)

Recommended products

We recommend: Le Perfect Super Jars > Glas - 0,25 l (Durchmesser: 70)


  1. The good preservation of vegetables is extremely important here, because the canned pea require freshness and speed of operations. So choose fresh products and do not use pea picked the day before.
  2. Scand them, whiten them with boiling water 3 to 5 minutes and then immerse them immediately in cool water.
  3. Put them in the jars and cover them with a boiling salted brine to 20 g per liter, up to 2 cm from the edge. Add one or more spoonfuls to sugar according to your taste.
  4. Close and proceed immediately to heat treatment for 1 hour 15 to 100 ° C. Your canned natural peas are ready.

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1 comment

Merci pour cette recette des plus simple. Bon, le saladier était plein et nous avons fait 2 bocaux de 0.5l une fois ecossé. Mais la recolte ne fais que commencer!


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