Recipe Basquaise tuna

Die berühmte und traditionelle baskische Beilage aus Tomaten und Paprika gibt es hier in einer maritimen Variante. Mit diesem Rezept bleibt Ihr Thunfisch zart und lecker. Tradition ist immer gut.

Thon à la basquaise
Preparation time:
15 Minuten
Heat treatment time:
2 Stunden
Community rating:


Number of persons: 6 Personen
  • 500 g frische Thunfischsteaks
  • 500 g frische Tomaten
  • 4 Schalotten
  • 4 Knoblauchzehen
  • 2 Paprika
  • Ein halber Teelöffel 4 Gewürze
  • Olivenöl
  • Salz Pfeffer

Recommended products

We recommend: Terrinen Le Parfait Familia Wiss> Terrine - 200 g (Durchmesser: 82)


  1. Peel and mince garlic and shallots. Open the peppers, remove the seeds, white ribs and tail then cut them into small dice. Remove the peduncle of tomatoes and dice them.
  2. Sauté the tuna darnes in an oil bottom for 2 to 3 minutes on each side.
  3. Meanwhile, melt the shallots, garlic and peppers 2 to 3 minutes then add the tomatoes and season. Simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Fill your jars by intercounting tuna and vegetables up to 2 cm from the edge. Close and proceed without delay the heat treatment for 2 hours at 1200 ° C.

"For the record ... A la Basquaise or Kaskarot says of various preparations (notably an omelette and a sautéed chicken) where the tomato, the pepper, the garlic, the pepper and the onion intervene. The Basque Country would be nothing without its special and original gastronomy and its famous regional products that make the premises."

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