Recipe Pineapple in syrup

Preparation time:
45 Min
Heat treatment time:
30 Minuten
Number of persons: 6 bis 8 PersonenPreparation
To obtain a preserve of fruit in syrup, a syrup made of water and sugar should be made of cover. We tell you below the sugar contents of the syrups to obtain:
- Light syrup fruits: 1 liter of water + 250 g of sugar.
- Medium syrup fruits: 1 liter of water + 400 g of sugar.
- Heavy syrup fruits: 1 liter of water + 750 g of sugar.
- Peel the pineapple and cut it into quarters. Fill the jars with the pineapple pieces.
- Make the syrup by mixing water and sugar and bringing to ebullition. Without waiting, cover the pineapple with the syrup to 2 cm the edge.
- Close and proceed immediately to heat treatment, 30 min at 1200 ° C with a light syrup. Otherwise 35 min at 100 ° C for other syrups.