Recipe Pineapple in syrup

Exotische Früchte sind hervorragend für Gesundheit und Moral! Bringen Sie mit diesem einfachen Rezept für eingelegtes Obst in Sirup ganz schnell etwas Sonnenschein auf Ihren Tisch.

Ananas au sirop
Preparation time:
45 Min
Heat treatment time:
30 Minuten
Community rating:


Number of persons: 6 bis 8 Personen
  • 1 Ananas
  • 400g Zucker
  • 2l Wasser

Recommended products

We recommend: Le Perfect Super Jars > Glas - 0,25 l (Durchmesser: 70)


To obtain a preserve of fruit in syrup, a syrup made of water and sugar should be made of cover. We tell you below the sugar contents of the syrups to obtain:
- Light syrup fruits: 1 liter of water + 250 g of sugar.
- Medium syrup fruits: 1 liter of water + 400 g of sugar.
- Heavy syrup fruits: 1 liter of water + 750 g of sugar.

  1. Peel the pineapple and cut it into quarters. Fill the jars with the pineapple pieces.
  2. Make the syrup by mixing water and sugar and bringing to ebullition. Without waiting, cover the pineapple with the syrup to 2 cm the edge.
  3. Close and proceed immediately to heat treatment, 30 min at 1200 ° C with a light syrup. Otherwise 35 min at 100 ° C for other syrups.

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