Recipe Apple, mango and blueberry compote

Compote pomme, mangue et myrtille
Preparation time:
30 Minuten
Heat treatment time:
40 min
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Number of persons: Für 4 bis 6 Terrinen Le Parfait Super 125
  • 6 Äpfel
  • 6 Mangos
  • 500 g Blaubeeren
  • Ein paar Esslöffel Wasser (je nach gewünschter Konsistenz)
  • 3 Esslöffel Zucker (optional)

Recommended products

We recommend: Le Perfect Super Terrines > Terrine - 350 (Durchmesser: 85)


  1. Rinse the apples, peel them and empty them before cutting them into quarters.
  2. Wash and cut the mangoes in half, remove the nuclei and dice.
  3. Wash the blueberries.
  4. Put the fruits in a saucepan with water, sugar, cover and cook for about 10 min over medium heat, stirring from time to time.
  5. Mix the fruit using a robot.
  6. Fill the terrines without delay Le Parfait Super 125 up to 2 cm from the edge, then proceed to heat treatment for 40 min at 100 ° C.

A recipe made by the blogger Magic chicken For Le Parfait, During a special baby "preserves" workshop.


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