Recipe Gratin Dauphinois light potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes

Gratin dauphinois léger pommes de terre et topinambours
Preparation time:
25 min
Heat treatment time:
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  • 150 g Kartoffeln
  • 100 g Topinambur
  • 10 g Mehl
  • 100 g Milch
  • Salz
  • Pfeffer
  • Muskatnusspulver

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  1. Peel and cut the potatoes and the Jerusalem artichokes into thin strips. Blanch them in non -salt water for minimum 3 minutes. Drain. To book. 
  2. In a bowl, add the flour and then gradually dilute milk, mixing well. Salt, pepper and add the nutmeg.
  3. Arrange the strips in the terrines, taking care to tighten them well, up to 2cm from the edge. Cover with milk/flour mixture up to 2cm.
  4. Close the terrines with their washers and proceed with heat treatment, 2 hours at 100 ° C.

Recipe offered by APPTIA for Le Parfait.

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1 comment

Peut on mettre de la crème fraîche et du fromage ?
Merci de votre réponse.

Bernadette Betbeder

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