Recipe Under -ned summer vegetable antipastis

Antipastis de légumes d’été sous-vide
Preparation time:
15 min + repos 1 nuit
Heat treatment time:
35 min
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Number of persons: 4 à 6 personnes
  • 250 g de poivrons rouges ou verts
  • 250 g de tomates cerises
  • 240 g de cœurs d’artichauts égouttés
  • 2 gousses d’ail
  • 80 ml d’huile d’olive
  • 1 filet de vinaigre balsamique
  • 30 g de sucre en poudre
  • 2 branches d’origan ou de thym
  • 1 c. à c. de sel
  • Poivre noir

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  1. Wash the peppers and cherry tomatoes. Cut the cherry tomatoes and artichokes in half. Cut the peppers into strips. Peel and chop the garlic.


  1. Place the vegetables in a vacuum cooking bag, add the oil, garlic, salt, sugar, vinegar. Pepper, add the oregano or thyme. Mix everything, stirring the bag.


  1. Place the bag in the vacuum machine, then make a vacuum by pressing "manual suction", then on "welding".


  1. In a pot filled with water, adjust the thermoplonger to 65 ° C. When the water is at a good temperature, immerse the bag in it for 35 min.


  1. Take out the bag and let it cool completely before storing it in the refrigerator for the night.


  1. Enjoy fresh with a drizzle of olive oil and fresh oregano.

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