Recipe Old boy jam

Questo è un pasticcio solo di nome, te lo dirà il vecchio. Da servire nei bicchieri piuttosto che sul pane tostato, è ricco di buona frutta di stagione selezionata, ma va comunque consumato con moderazione.

Confiture de vieux garçon
Preparation time:
30 minuti
Community rating:


Number of persons: Parecchi
  • 1 kg di frutta di stagione (assortimento)
  • 750 g di zucchero a velo per kg di frutta
  • 1,5 litri di brandy

Recommended products

We recommend: Barattoli Le Perfect Super > Barattolo - 0,25 l (Diametro: 70)


  1. Fill your jar with ½ liter of brandy and have the seasonal fruits of your choice (apple, orange, strawberries ...) as it goes at the bottom of it.
  2. With each addition of fruit, add 75 % of the weight of the fruit in powdered sugar (75 g of sugar per 100 g of fruit). The fruits must always be well covered with brandy after each addition of fruits and sugar.
  3. After each addition of fruit and sugar, store the jar in a cool place and out of light.

Avoid stirring it. For an optimal result, wait at least 3 months before tasting!

Alcohol abuse is dangerous for health to consume in moderation

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Bonjour, combien de temps de macération et comment le déguster ? Merci

Blangy Pascal

Cette préparation doit rester combien de temps en attente avant d’être consommée?
Merci pour votre réponse. Belle journée à vous.

Dany Andrés

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