Recipe Vinegar pickles

Preparation time:
30 minuti + 24 ore di macerazione
Shelf life:
12 mesi
Number of persons: così tante personePreparation
- For this pickle preparation, choose small healthy pickles and freshly picked. Cut them and eliminate the down which covers them without skinning them, with for example a rough tea towel.
- Put them to be 24 hours with 250 g of coarse salt.
- Throw the water made by pickles and drain them.
- Repeat them for 5 minutes in a solution of cold water added with a few spoonfuls of vinegar, then cut them.
- Put the pickles in the jars Le Parfait By distributing the peeled bells onions and the herbs.
- Cover with vinegar, close your pickle of pickle, keep cool and wait a month before serving pickles with vinegar.