Recipe Creamy of Jerusalem artichokes and chestnuts with hazelnut butter

Originalità è la parola giusta per questa ricetta dello chef! Abbiamo chiesto allo chef Pierre Petit di preparare una ricetta inedita per il purè di patate autunnale, con il Topinambour, che sta tornando in auge. Non esitate a provare questo abbinamento castagne/topinambour e raccontateci tutto.

Crémeux de topinambours et marrons au beurre noisette
Preparation time:
Heat treatment time:
Shelf life:
Diversi mesi
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Number of persons: 6
  • 18 topinambur medi
  • 125 g di castagne cotte in barattolo
  • 50 g di burro di nocciole
  • Sale e pepe
  • 50 cl di brodo bianco
  • 10 cl di latte
  • 2 foglie di sedano (gambo giallo e cuore per la decorazione)
  • 1 cipolla

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  1. Peel the Jerusalem artichokes, leave them whole.
  2. Peel the onion and mince it.
  3. In a casserole dish, brown the onion in a little olive oil, add the Jerusalem artichokes, then the milk, the celery and the white background.
  4. Salt with a pinch of coarse salt. Cover and cook covered over low heat until the Jerusalem artichokes crash between the fingers.
  5. Drain the puree in a colander for about 30 min. Meanwhile, put 50 g of butter in a saucepan and cook it over low heat, stirring from time to time with a whisk until it takes a hazelnut smell and color.
  6. Crush the chestnuts and mix them with a puree.
  7. Put everything to the mixer by climbing with a hazelnut butter, adjust the seasoning and fill the jar up to 2 cm from the edge.
  8. Close and proceed with the heat treatment 1h15 to 1200 ° C.

When serving add the minced celery leaves on the Jerusalem artichoke puree.
Also perfect with St-Jacques embellished with a small lamb's lettuce and minced raw beets.


Unpublished recipe of chef Pierre Petit for Le Parfait.

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