Recipe White Kimchi of Blood-Hoon Degeimbre

Questa ricetta del kimchi bianco, un piatto tradizionale coreano, è altrettanto semplice da preparare quanto quella del kimchi rosso. Una miscela dolce e gustosa di cavolo cappuccio, ravanello bianco e porri da far fermentare prima di essere gustata. Beneficerai di tutti i loro benefici nutrizionali in pochissimo tempo. Affrettatevi ai vostri barattoli!

Kimchi blanc de Sang-Hoon Degeimbre
Preparation time:
1 ora
Shelf life:
da 1 a 2 anni
Community rating:


Number of persons: Parecchi

400 g di acqua

75 g di sale Maldon

1/2 cavolo cinese (circa 750 gr)

15 g di daikon

2 cucchiai di carote

1 cucchiaio di cipolle

1 cucchiaio di cipolline

2 spicchi d'aglio

1 cucchiaino di zenzero

1/4 mela

1/4 di pera

1 cucchiaino di salsa di pesce

1 cucchiaino di gamberetti coreani

1 pizzico di zucchero

1 cucchiaino di pinoli tostati

Recommended products

We recommend: Barattoli Le Perfect Super > Barattolo - 1 l (Diametro: 85)


  1. Before we start, we invite you to consult Our user -managing section In order to learn everything about the fermentation process!
  2. Mix salt and water. Stir to dissolve the salt well.
  3. Immerse the half Chinese cabbage by soaking 1 hour if the cabbage is fresh and soft or 5 hours if it is dense.
  4. Cut into julienne the daikon, carrots and onions. Chop the cebettes. Crush garlic and ginger to mortar. Raper the apple and pear.
  5. Mix everything by hand with the fish sauce, shrimps, sugar pinch and grilled pine nuts.
  6. Take the cabbage, rinse slightly and wrinkle well.
  7. Insert by hand the preparation between each sheet and roll up using the large exterior sheet.
  8. Fill the jar and squeeze well to get everything in. Pour some brine if necessary to keep the kimchi immersed.
  9. Close and allow to ferment for 10 days at room temperature (by placing a container under the jars in the event of an overflow) then keep cool.

Kimchi can be consumed from the 10th day in "early" mode but it improves over time and can reach 1 see 2 years of age.

Recipe of the Degeimbre blood chief for Le Parfait.

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