Recipe Spanish potatoes

Olé, patate dai sapori iberici. Apprezzerai questi miscugli solari di chorizo, cipolle e peperoni che ti daranno la patata!

Pommes de terre à l'espagnole
Preparation time:
20 min
Heat treatment time:
60 min
Community rating:


Number of persons: 4 persone
  • 500 g di patate novelle
  • 2 o 3 peperoni a seconda della loro dimensione e di diversi colori
  • 2 cipolle
  • 1 chorizo
  • Sale, pepe
  • Pepe di cayenna
  • 1 cucchiaino di paprika (per il colore)
  • Acqua
  • Olio d'oliva

Recommended products

We recommend: Vasetti Le Parfait Super > Vasetto - 0,25 l (Diametro : 70)


  1. In a Dutch oven, brown the onions peeled and minced in a background of olive oil.
  2. Add the peeled and rings potatoes, a few chorizo ​​slices and the peppers in strips.
  3. Salt, pepper. Add paprika and cayenne pepper (depending on tastes).
  4. Cover with water and cook for 10 to 15 minutes.
  5. Fill the jars Le Parfait Super up to 2 cm from the edge and immediately carry out the heat treatment 60 minutes at 1200 ° C.

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