Recipe Caesar salad with a honey-moutarde duck breast

Salade César au magret de canard miel-moutarde
Preparation time:
10 min
Heat treatment time:
10 h
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Number of persons: 4

Magret de canard séché

  • 1 magret de canard de 400 à 500 g
  • 2 c. à s. de moutarde
  • 1 gousse d’ail
  • 1 c. à s. de miel liquide
  • 1 pincée d’herbes de Provence


Salade César

2 salades romaines

  • 150 ml de sauce vinaigrette type « César »
  • 100 g de croûtons de pain
  • 1 oignon rouge
  • 50 g de parmesan en copeaux

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The day before, marinate then dry the duck breast honey-moutarde

  1. Cut the duck breast into thin slices 3 to 5 mm thick. Place them in a dish.
  2. In a bowl, mix mustard, peeled and chopped garlic, honey and Provence herbs. Pour over the ducklings and knead to coat them well with the marinade.
  3. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
  4. Place the duck slices on the trays of your dehydrator, placing a sheet of absorbent paper beforehand. Dry them by referring to the repository table below.


On D -Day, prepare the César salad with duck breast

  1. Wash and wring the Roman leaves, cut them into sections. Peel and chop the red onion.
  2. Arrange a bed of salad on each plate or in a large dish. Add dried duck strips, then Caesar sauce. Complete with croutons, red onion strips, and finish with parmesan shavings. Serve without delay and enjoy.


Drying frame

Duck duck breast: 55 ° C for 10 a.m.


Tip: If you have time, make up your own Caesar sauce with 2 tsp. Aïoli, 5 tsp. thick cream, ½ lemon juice, 3 tsp. grated parmesan and a small spoon of mustard. A delight!

Advice: dried duck breast slices are kept longer in an airtight jar or a vacuum bag.

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