Recipe Beet velvety

Velouté de betteraves
Preparation time:
35 min
Heat treatment time:
45 min
Community rating:


Number of persons: Parecchi
  • 2 barbabietole cotte. Se le cucinate voi stessi, lasciate trascorrere circa 30 minuti in pentola a pressione.
  • 2 patate
  • 1 cipolla
  • 1 rapa
  • 50 cl di brodo vegetale
  • 50 cl di latte di cocco
  • Olio d'oliva
  • Sale, pepe

Recommended products

We recommend: Le Vasetti Le Parfait Super > Vasetto - 0,25 l (Diametro : 70)


  1. Cut the beets in dice. Peel the potatoes, turnip and onion and cut them into pieces.
  2. In a frying pan with a background of olive oil, brown the onion then add the potato and turnip.
  3. Moisten with poultry broth and coconut milk, salt, pepper. Bring to the boil and maintain it "small broth" a 20 -minute
  4. Mix to the diver.
  5. Fill your jars without delay up to 2 cm from the edge, close and immediately proceed to the heat treatment, 45 minutes at 100 ° C.

When consuming, reheat and add a little fresh cream and a few feta cubes.

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