Recipe Canned cider poultry

Le ricette a base di pollame sono così buone! E quando si cucinano con prodotti di stagione, diventano una conserva indimenticabile. Miele liquido, castagne e funghi sono la dolcezza suprema del pollame!

Volaille au cidre en conserve
Preparation time:
30 min
Heat treatment time:
Community rating:


Number of persons: 2 persone
  • Pollame (pollo, anatra, fagiano...)
  • 3 funghi
  • Mezza bottiglia di sidro
  • Miele
  • 1 pomodoro
  • 10 castagne
  • Sale, pepe
  • Panna fresca
  • Burro
  • Cipolle
  • Acqua

Recommended products

We recommend: Vasetti Le Parfait Super > Vasetto - 0,25 l (Diametro : 70)


  1. Cut the poultry (thigh, cutlet, etc.), mince the onions, cut the tomato into dice and mushrooms into strips, peel the chestnuts and cut them in half.
  2. Spread a thin layer of liquid honey on the poultry in pieces. In a Dutch oven, brown the meat over low heat in a little butter or olive oil with the onions, the diced tomatoes, the mushrooms and the chestnuts then add the cider.
  3. Then add a glass of water. Salt, pepper. Simmer for 5 minutes in small broths.
  4. Fill your jars Le Parfait Super 1L with this poultry recipe up to 2 cm from the edge. Close and proceed without delay the heat treatment (sterilization) for 1:30 to 100 ° C.


When you consume, you can add a touch of crème fraîche.

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