Recipe Chocolate almond cake pear

Cake poire amande chocolat
Preparation time:
20 Min. + 20 Min. Garen
Heat treatment time:
Shelf life:
6 mois dans un endroit sec et frais (>6 C°)
Community rating:


Number of persons: 12

3 Eier

60 g Zucker

120 g Mehl

1 Päckchen Trockenhefe

60 g gemahlene Mandeln

80g Butter

100 ml Milch

4 große Birnen

50 g dunkle Schokolade

20 g Mandelblättchen

Butter und Mehl für die Terrinen

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  1. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
  2. In a bowl, mix the eggs, sugar, flour, almond powder and yeast.
  3. Melt the butter and add it with the milk. Mix.
  4. Wash, peel and cut the pears into pieces. Add to the bowl.
  5. Cut the chocolate into chips if necessary. Mix everything. 
  6. Butter, flour and fill the terrines half. 
  7. Sprinkle with tapered almonds. 
  8. Bake the open terrines, making sure to remove the orange washer well. Cook for 20 min at 180 ° C. From the end of cooking out the terrines and let cool for a while. 
  9. As soon as possible, arrange the joint (the washer) then proceed to the heat treatment at 100 ° C for 1 hour. 

Recipe offered by APPTIA for Le Parfait.

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1 comment

Cela m’a l’air délicieux je vais bientôt le tenter merci pour la recette bonne journée


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