Why do your preserves?

Pourquoi faire ses conserves maison ?


To take advantage of products at the best time

Thanks to Le Parfait, You can keep the products at the heart of the season, you respect the cycle of nature and the planet! Summer is the season of tomatoes, green beans, cherries, peaches, apricots, but they will not stay long on the stalls or in the gardens. By making your preserves home at that time, you capture all the flavors of the products when they are the best and naturally mature. You will be able to enjoy all the rest of the year!
Remember that it is in the middle of a season that a product is the cheapest 


To preserve tastes and flavors

Unlike other conservation processes, such as freezing that can alter foods by dehydrating them, the home -preserved will intact the tastes, textures and flavors of all your food and your preparations.


To eat healthy

To make your own preserves also means mastering all the ingredients in your recipe. It is the heat treatment process (sterilization) that will ensure conservation, not additives! So your preparations will be without preservative, with not too much salt, or too much sugar, and without exhausors of taste. They will only contain what you have decided to put it and will be 100% natural ... and 100% you!


So as not to waste

Fruits and vegetables that are damaged? Too much fruit or too much vegetables? An overly generous garden? Above all, do not throw anything and do preserves. Thanks to the jars, you have the power to keep for a long time everything that nature offers you, so take advantage of it!


Because it's practical

Guests who disembark at the last minute, an improvised picnic, or just don't want to cook tonight ...? Hop, you just have to open your closet, choose a jar, warm the preparation, and it's ready. And for the picnic option, choose good pâtés and a few jars of pickles or dried tomatoes, all you have to do is put them in your pretty basket. Remember that the jars are easily transportable, you will take them everywhere!


Because it's friendly

To make your preserves with several people is to have a good time with your loved ones. Take advantage of it to organize a walk and pick up all together, and then it's Confit workshop! This is an opportunity to transmit your know-how to your loved ones and make them discover your recipes, but also a moment of sharing with children who will weigh and have while having fun.


Because the breakdown

A power failure, it doesn't just happen to others! But don't panic, the perfect jars are kept wisely in your cupboards and need no energy source. On the other hand, all the stock of your freezer ... 


To say "I did it"

Having preserves is being able to express yourself and give free rein to your creativity! Through a recipe, we reveal his tastes and his personality. And what a pleasure to offer loved ones a preserved preparation that we have concocted with love ...


Because glass is the best containers

Natural, resistant, waterproof and 100% recyclable and endlessly, glass is the healthiest packaging, it is also completely neutral to taste. Its design and its values ​​of authenticity are appreciable. He really has nothing to hide 

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