Share our know-how and our ideas

Those who like to make preserves often adopt a lifestyle that weaves some links between them. Their motivations are those of all those who have taste ...

The taste for true things

The transparency of the glass and the obvious control of the ingredients that we choose to keep shelter from all unpleasant surprises, false promises, hidden additives. What we make cannot lie, the jams and preserves concocted at home are authentic delights. In a homemade cann’t find it only what we have put in it, no tastes enhancers, no preservatives, no additives, not too much salt or too much sugar.

The taste of good and beautiful

Pleasure makes us better and gluttony, far from being a defect, is an art of living that creates link. When conservation is practiced, careful attention to the taste of products. We know how to choose them, in the right place, at the right time. We are curious about everything and certainly not ready to give up the good things in life or to give in to the fears engendered by the "junk food". We also enjoy our eyes! The design of the jars Le Parfait participate in making the preparations they contain more appetizing.

“We also enjoy our eyes”

The taste for sharing

We are proud of what we make and we are happy to make others happy by making them benefit from our achievements. These emotions are shared by all the friends of the jar! Just offer a jam to a friend for example.

Keeping is also converse. What discussions and exchanges about recipes, sterilization times, before switching to barter which is anchored in the cultivation of the canned: exchanges of green beans against raspberry jam, exchanges of kilos of new carrots against terrines with spices ...

The taste for freedom

We thought we were subject to the diktats to consume more. We have undergone this negative mechanism of "buying, throwing, buying ...", and noted its consequences on our environment, even on our health. But we are "makers", makers. Doing your own preserves is getting your hands on your diet! It is to decide how we want to feed yourself is to be perfectly responsible for what we are going to put on our plates!

The jar, the symbol of a lifestyle that wants to maintain what the world has best.