Recipe Monkfish

Preparation time:
25 min
Heat treatment time:
60 min
Number of persons: 4 personnesPreparation
- Clean, empty and cut the monkfish into pieces.
- In a casserole dish, brown the bacon and onions and then remove them from a skimmer and set aside.
- Put the monkfish in the casserole dish and brown it. Add the wine and the bouillon cube. Return the bacon and onions. Add the herbs, bring to ebulition and simmer for 5 minutes.
- Fill your jars Le Parfait Great, close them and proceed without delay the heat treatment for 60 minutes at 1200 ° C. When serving, warmly warm and incorporate a little flour and a square of butter.
"For the little story ... The sea monkfish (or Baudroy) is a common fish of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. It measures a meter long on average, its head is huge and its body is brownish and without a scales. It is such an unsightly fish that it is sometimes nicknamed" "toad" "" or "" sea devil "". Because their repulsive appearance made them pass for monsters that carried woe.