Recipe Quince paste

Preparation time:
20 min
Heat treatment time:
45 min
Number of persons: 4 personnesPreparation
- Wash and peel the quinces. Remove the heart and seeds and cut them into small dice.
- Put the quinces in a saucepan and cover with water. Cook with a lid over low heat to medium for 30 minutes.
- Remove the juice and mash the quinces in puree (about 700g of puree). Add the sugar and lemon juice. Quincely juice is not necessary in this recipe, however you can keep it: it will make a perfect base for a jelly or a quince syrup.
- Pour the quince puree into a large non-stick skillet and cook over low heat for 1:45. If you do not have large non-stick skillets, cook for 1 hour in a normal saucepan then pour into a small non-adhesive pan, mixing regularly for the remaining 45 minutes. Your puree will be reduced and become a thick burgundy color paste.
- During cooking, wash and sterilize your rubber jars and rings. Cut 4 circles of parchment paper that you will place in the bottom of the jars.
- With the spoon, transfer your still hot dough to the jars. Close well. Your quince paste can be kept for a year!
When serving, peel off the edges with a pointed knife to facilitate demolding.
To be enjoyed with Manchego cheese or a hard dough cheese. The quince paste is also delicious spread over Ciabiatta bread with a chorizo washer ...