Under -ned is an effective method for extending food storage time. There are two main methods of under-commitment: in embossed bags/rolls of film or jars, thanks to suitable covers. However, to guarantee food security, it is crucial to respect certain basic rules.
Find here 6 steps To put your under-video air food safely!
Prepare your workspace
Make sure that your worktop, hands and utensils are perfectly clean and dry. Favor the use of metal, silicone or plastic utensils, wood that can be a vector of bacteria. If you use a roll movie, be sure to clean your scissors well before cutting the desired size. You should always use clean and new bags. If you use a lid and want to empty, it must be plunged into boiling water for 5 minutes. Also make sure to use a jar clean and sterile : You can clean it with soapy water or dip it for a few seconds in boiling water, dry well before filling.
Choose the right foods
Place Undervid only fresh products, presenting no trace of mold. Beforehand check the expiration date for the food, if the deadline for consumption is exceeded, do not put it as an by-law. In the case of the undersea of unprocessed ingredients, they must be perfectly washed, free from all traces of earth.
Fill your bags / jars
Do not fill your food bags burning or too hot, the hot dishes must be cooled before being unleashed: food may swell and burst the bag.
To keep a liquid in an under-live bag, it is necessary beforehand freeze it briefly to solidify it. Indeed, no liquid should be sucked in by the machine. If you want to keep in a jar, there is no need to freeze.
Fill your bags by taking care of do not leave a trace of food where you will close the bag, the presence of liquid or pieces will prevent the weld from being done properly.
If you use a domestic undervio machine: place the bag on the under-commitment chamber by taking care that the opening is clean, smooth and flat, and by not lasing the suction tube. Select the type of food (dry or humid) then close the hood of your machine. Press the desired function: Most machines have an "automatic" function, we advise you to use it. Once the machine is turned off, check that the weld has been done well and that your bag has no leaks.
To verify that the vacuum has been done, you can try to enter the film on both sides and to shoot, normally this is impossible.
If you use a under-video cover cover, fill your food jar to the maximum level indicated on the jar or up to 2 cm from the drinker. Clean the edges of the jar so that they are free from food, then place the under-video cover. Place the pipe (if you use a machine) or the pump on the lid valve. Make sure it is well centered. Aspire until the device cuts off.
To verify that the vacuum has been done well, you can try to gently lift the jar through the lid, if it remains stuck: the void is made.
Labo and store your bags / jars
Once the benchmark is made, label each of your bags or jars with the type of food as well as the packaging date. Perishable foods must be kept to a temperature below 3 ° C, to take no risk, Place them in the refrigerator. Under-to-see foods can also be placed in the freezer, they will even be protected from cold burns!
If you have unwitted to crisps or cookies so that they do not dry, you can keep them at room temperature, out of light.
Also make sure to store food so as to avoid any Perforation of bags by sharp objects.
If during storage you find that the bag is swelling or that the lid sets off it is that there was a loss of vacuum, Do not consume food.
Open your bags / jars
To open your bags, simply cut one of the sides using clean scissors. If you want to cook an by -vry food, you can place it in a double boiler at a maximum temperature of 80 ° C.
To remove the lid, in the case of conservation in jar, simply pinch the valve slightly in order to let the air escape.
After opening, do not consume perishable foods if they have been left at room temperature for several hours (mainly sauce dishes).