Recipe Spice fruit casserole

Preparation time:
30 mn
Heat treatment time:
30 mn
Shelf life:
6 mois
Number of persons: 4 à 6 personnesPreparation
- Split the vanilla pods and scrape the seeds above the casserole dish. Wash the lemon, collect the zest and add them to the casserole dish. Add cinnamon, pepper, sugar and wine. Put on the fire.
- Wash, pitted and cut the fruits (in 4 for peaches, nectarines and figs if they are large, in 2 mirabellers and quetsches).
- As soon as the contents of the casserole bout, add the fruits (you can add the lemon juice to it), mix and simmer with soft fever for 5 minutes.
- Fill the jars without delay Le Parfait Super up to 2 cm from the edge. Close and immediately proceed to heat treatment for 30 min at 1200 ° C.