Recipe Kvas carrot, orange & ginger

Originaire des pays de l'Est, cette boisson est fermentée, pétillante et légèrement alcoolisée.

Kvas carotte, orange & gingembre
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Number of persons: Plusieurs
  • 800g de carottes
  • 1 orange
  • 1 càs de gingembre râpé
  • 5g de sel
  • 50ml de petit-lait
  • 2 càs de sucre
  • eau non chlorée

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  1. Peel the carrots and cut into rings.
  2. In your super jar, add the orange juice as well as a strip of zest, ginger, salt and breakfast.
  3. Add water up to 3 cm below the opening.
  4. Close with a fabric or gauze and a elastic then let ferment at room temperature, mixing every day until fine bubbles appear.
  5. Filter the drink by transferring 1/4 liter of the liquid to a swing top bottle, put the vegetables back into your initial jar and again fill with water for a second batch.
  6. You can consume your kvas in a row or let it ferment 1 to 2 more days with a pinch of sugar.

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1 comment

Où trouvez-vous le petit-lait ? Par quoi le remplacer ? Merci


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