Woordenlijst conserven

A short glossary to help you master the vocabulary of cooks like a chef.


    “A process which allows food to be preserved in sealed packaging for a long period without special conditions (particularly temperature) after having subjected it to heat treatment.”


    “Container with a screw cap in which jam is stored.”

  • SKIM

    “Remove the white foam that forms on the surface when cooking a preparation.”


    “Accessory that allows you to skim.”


    “Preparation in which meat or fish is marinated. Based on wine, vinegar, spices, etc.”


    “Half of an apricot or a pitted peach.”


    "Process by which a food is heated to a defined temperature (between 70°C and 85°C at the core) for a defined time before being cooled rapidly. Pasteurized foods must be kept cool (3 to 4°C)."


    “A container without a capsule in which jam is stored and which is closed with paraffin and/or a square of cellophane.”


    "Used for milk treatment, heat can reach up to 150°C in order to destroy all micro-organisms. This is called sterilization. This method changes the taste qualities by denaturing the proteins due to the heat."


    “A mixture of water and salt used to preserve food.”


    “Technique intended to eliminate all microbial germs from a preparation. The food is heated to 121°C at the core.”


    “Action of subjecting preparations in jars or terrines to heat.”


    "A process that increases the acidity of a food to improve its preservation, by making the environment less favorable to bacteria."


    « Méthode de cuisson rapide qui consiste à plonger les aliments dans l'eau bouillante pendant quelques minutes, puis à les refroidir rapidement. Cela aide à préserver leur couleur, leur texture et leurs nutriments, tout en éliminant les impuretés avant la mise en conserve. Le blanchiment permet également de faire baisser l’acidité d’un aliment, ce qui peut qui peut favoriser la fermentation en bocal. »


    "A method of preserving food that involves macerating it without the presence of oxygen. This process promotes the development of lactic bacteria, microorganisms that are beneficial to health."


    "A cooking technique in which food is immersed in a cold liquid or heated to a temperature lower than that necessary to coagulate the proteins. This process promotes the exchange between the food and the cooking liquid."

  • THE PH

    "Food pH measures the acidity or alkalinity of a food on a scale of 0 to 14. A pH below 7 is acidic, 7 is neutral, and above 7 is alkaline. It influences the flavor and preservation of foods, as well as the growth of bacteria."


    "Fermentation is a natural process where microorganisms, such as bacteria or yeast, transform sugars into acids, gases or alcohol. This process is used to preserve foods and develop unique flavors, as in the case of yogurt, bread or sauerkraut."


    "A method of preservation that involves hermetically sealing food in glass jars and heating them to destroy the microorganisms that cause spoilage."


    “A procedure by which food is treated and handled in order to stop or slow down its deterioration.”


    "Food irradiation involves exposing food to ionizing radiation to reduce the number of microorganisms it contains."

  • SEAL

    “Rubber ring ensuring the jar is sealed.”


    “A cooking technique that involves gently and gradually cooking food placed in a container above a second container filled with boiling water.”


    "The process by which the air pressure inside an enclosed space, such as a jar, is rapidly reduced. This can occur in a controlled or accidental manner and is important to ensure the safety of canned foods."


    “Maturation is a process that allows a food to modify its digestibility and taste qualities through aging.”


    « Opération alimentaire qui consiste à laisser tremper un aliment dans un liquide pour l'imprégner de saveur. »


    "Pickles are vegetables or fruits preserved in a marinade of vinegar and spices. This preservation process gives them a tangy taste and allows them to be kept for a long time."


    “Vacuum left at the top of the jar to allow food to expand during sterilization.”


    “Juicing is a phenomenon that occurs when liquid from food rises to the surface of a jar during sterilization. This can happen if the jar is too full or if the food contains a lot of juice. Juicing can affect the seal of the jar and the quality of preservation.”


    "Vacuum sealing is a food preservation technique that involves removing air from a jar to create an oxygen-free environment. This helps preserve the freshness of foods, slow the growth of bacteria, and extend their shelf life."


    "Food dehydration is a preservation process that involves removing water from food. This technique prevents mold from developing, and preserves fruits, vegetables, or other preparations for much longer."


    "Acid bacterial fermentation that can occur in the jar if the food is not blanched beforehand. A whitish deposit forms on the bottom of the jar."


    "The mount refers to the base or support on which a dish is presented or assembled, serving as a pedestal for other ingredients."


    "A small, airtight container that holds a substance, often used for dietary supplements, allowing easy ingestion."

  • LID

    “A part used to close or cover a container, protecting its contents and preventing leaks or contamination.”


    "A container designed to hold water or other liquids, allowing animals to hydrate themselves."


    “A strip present on vacuum machines allowing the sealing of suitable bags or rolls.”

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