Recipe Kefir
Preparation time:
15 min
Number of persons: SeveralPreparation
- Before you begin, we invite you to consult our instructions section to learn everything about the fermentation process!
- Put the grains in a jar (like a Le Parfait screw-top jar) and pour in the water. Add the sugar, dried fig, and fruit. Cover with gauze and a rubber band. The sugar can be white sugar, or brown sugar, brown sugar, brown sugar, muscovado sugar, etc. But not sweeteners like stevia, aspartame, xylytol.
- Let ferment for 24 to 48 hours, at room temperature until the fig rises to the surface.
- When the fig has risen to the surface, remove the fruit and the fig (you can squeeze the citrus fruits into the drink)
- Strain through a fine strainer to collect the Kefir grains on one side and the juice on the other.
- Put the drink in a 1L Swing Top bottle. Leave the closed bottle at room temperature for another 24 hours for more fizz, store in the fridge and enjoy chilled.
NB: If your water is chlorinated, you must let it sit in an open carafe for 1 or 2 hours to evaporate the chlorine.
Recipe proposed by Marie-Claire Frédéric for Le Parfait.
Merci beaucoup
Peut on utiliser des figues fraîches ( du jardin ,donc non traitées ) ?
bonjour , pourriez-vous me dire où peux-je me procurer les graines de kéfir merci
Si on laisse fermenter 2 jours et que l’on boit de suite sans mettre en bouteille et attendre de nouveau, y a t-il une différence au point de vue nutritionnel en pro biotique?
Cela fait plusieurs années que jutilise vos bocaux et que je fais du kéfir et c’est parfait ! Merci de proposer des recettes.