User manual

Conservation en sacs ou rouleaux sous-vide : mode d'emploi

Conservation in Sub-video bags or rollers: user...

Under -ned is an effective method for extending food storage time. There are two main methods of under-commitment: in embossed bags/rolls of film or jars, thanks to suitable covers. However, to...

Conservation in Sub-video bags or rollers: user...

Under -ned is an effective method for extending food storage time. There are two main methods of under-commitment: in embossed bags/rolls of film or jars, thanks to suitable covers. However, to...

Se lancer dans la déshydratation : Mode d'emploi

Embark on dehydration: user manual

Ancestral conservation method, dehydration helps keep fruits, vegetables and other foodstuffs between 6 and 12 months, while preserving their nutritional quality Thanks to a low -temperature drying process. If you...

Embark on dehydration: user manual

Ancestral conservation method, dehydration helps keep fruits, vegetables and other foodstuffs between 6 and 12 months, while preserving their nutritional quality Thanks to a low -temperature drying process. If you...

Pourquoi conserver ses aliments sous-vide?

Why keep your under-lives?

1 To keep the freshness longer Is the sub-video a preservation method which consists in removing the air contained in the food? In the absence of oxygen, microorganisms and aerobic...

Why keep your under-lives?

1 To keep the freshness longer Is the sub-video a preservation method which consists in removing the air contained in the food? In the absence of oxygen, microorganisms and aerobic...

Pourquoi faire ses conserves maison ?

Why do your preserves?

1 To take advantage of products at the best time Thanks to Le Parfait, You can keep the products at the heart of the season, you respect the cycle of...

Why do your preserves?

1 To take advantage of products at the best time Thanks to Le Parfait, You can keep the products at the heart of the season, you respect the cycle of...

Qu’est-ce qu’une conserve ?

What is a can?

Who has never been very devoid when the dinner time came? With Le Parfait, Some recipes for basic, practical and tasty house cans come to the rescue of everyday cuisine: sauces,...

What is a can?

Who has never been very devoid when the dinner time came? With Le Parfait, Some recipes for basic, practical and tasty house cans come to the rescue of everyday cuisine: sauces,...

Le matériel pour conserver

The equipment to keep

Want to keep seasonal fruits and vegetables in jars or your dishes cooked in terrines? This is a good idea that simmers even more easily when you have the right...

The equipment to keep

Want to keep seasonal fruits and vegetables in jars or your dishes cooked in terrines? This is a good idea that simmers even more easily when you have the right...