Comment piéger les frelons asiatiques au printemps ?

How to trap Asian hornets in the spring?

Spring trapping is based on the biological cycle of the Asian hornet. During this period, the founding queens emerge from their winter lethargy and aim to found their first nest, called primary nest.

This is undoubtedly the only moment of "fragility" of the Asian hornet and it is imperative to take advantage of it to act effectively.

In France the National plan to combat Asian hornet  establish an organization as well as recommendations To implement this trapping.


For a period of 2 months maximum from early February and until the end of May. Start trapping according to the local climate, after the last frosts when temperatures reach values ​​greater than 12 ° C.

In the spring it takes a suitable strategy to attract the founders. In particular by taking care of the bait which must be able to be easily detected by the founder.

The baits are variable, but to date the most used is: 1/3 beer + 1/3 syrup + 1/3 wine, which we change every week.

Uase-type physical selection traps must be used, equipped with input cones, in order to retain the founders and workers by letting as many non-cable species as possible. The input hole must be adapted to the size of the Asian hornet and exclude the entry of larger insects (ex: European hornet)

It is important to initiate the traps and keep them in operation.

In Nasse traps, there is a priming effect with living hornets that secrete pheromones of alarm that attract fellows. It is therefore important to promote and maintain this priming:

  • Do not empty these traps for a month.
  • Add sweet bait every 7 days.

Around the Protective apiary, a regular network of the traps is necessary: ​​1 to 2 traps per apiary and up to 10 traps distributed within a radius of 500 m around the apiary. The traps must be spaced regularly. It is necessary to monitor them regularly and raise the insects trapped once a week. Well note the presence of the nests of the previous year to target the trapping areas in the spring.

In addition to the general recommendations above, we advise the following practices to the users of Ornetin:

In the state of our knowledge, for the trapping of the founders exclusively, We advise to use a liquid bait to produce a highly fragrant substance. Typically 1/3 beer, 1/3 feeding syrup, 1/3 wine.

We pour the bait to the bottom of the jar by systematically adding a stopper of grass or straw to avoid drowning.

Then place the trap with a slight tilt on the location chosen with care (near a camellia for example). The vertical position is not recommended.

To increase the efficiency of the trapping, it is advisable to cover the trap with a tarpaulin that brings two advantages: it concentrates odors and also avoids overheating (eg tarpaulin that protects wooden heaps).

Monitor the traps once a week.

For more advice, go to this article on the Ornetin website: 

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