Recipe West Indian banana jam and @healthyalie ginger

Confiture de banane antillaise et gingembre de @healthyalie
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Number of persons: 3
  • 1 kilo de bananes
  • 500 g de sucre de canne
  • Le jus et le zeste d’un citron vert Vanille
  • 2 bâtons de cannelle
  • Un bouchon de rhum
  • 1 pincée de sel
  • 1 morceaux de gingembre râpé

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  1. Peel then roughly cut the bananas and put them dYears your jam basin Le Parfait, or failing that in a saucepan!
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients, mix well and heat for about 1 hour, stirring from time to time.
  3. When the color becomes caramelized and the jam starts to thicken, remove the cinnamon sticks.
  4. Using a jam funnel, distribute the hot jam in clean jars up to about 2 cm.
After opening, keep in the refrigerator. 

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1 comment

Je la ferais, mais sans sucre, la banane étant déjà sucré. Merci pour cette merveilleuse recette


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