Recipe Can chocolate hazelnut

Cake chocolat noisette en conserve
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Preparation time:
40 min
Heat treatment time:
45 min
Shelf life:
6 mois dans un endroit sec et frais (>6 C°)
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Number of persons: 4 à 6 personnes
  • 2 gros œufs
  • 70 gr de sucre complet
  • 50 gr d'huile de noisettes
  • 140 gr de farine blanche
  • 6 gr de levure chimique
  • 40 gr de poudre de noisettes
  • 100 gr de chocolat pâtissier noir

Recommended products

We recommend: Les Terrines Le Parfait Super > Terrine - 350 (Diamètre : 85)


  1. Mix the eggs, sugar and oil. Then add the flour, yeast and hazelnut powder. Mix until the whole is homogeneous. In a container, melt the chocolate in a double boiler or in the microwave. Reserve half of the preparation to make the chocolate game of this cake by integrating the chocolate dough and mix.
  2. Oil 4 terrines Le Parfait Super terrine 350. Distribute the dough between the 4 pots. Please note, the pots must be half filled, otherwise they may overflow and it will be difficult to close them without cutting a game.
  3. Bake in an oven previously heated to 180 ° C for 30 minutes.
  4. As of the end of cooking, remove the terrines from the oven and let cool for a moment, position the washer, close and immediately proceed to the heat treatment 45 minutes at 100 ° C

The pots can be kept for months!

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1 comment

bonne idée

Patrick Labrousse

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