Confiture fraise Mara des bois
Preparation time:
40 min + 2 nuits de repos
Heat treatment time:
40 mn
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Number of persons: Plusieurs
  • 1kg de fraises Mara des bois (poids équeutées)
  • 650g de sucre blond de canne
  • 1 citron non traité

Recommended products

We recommend: Les Confituriers Le Parfait > Pot à confiture - 324 ml


  1. Quickly pass the strawberries underwater, dry them gently and hull them. (You can keep these strawberries to make a syrup or an infusion)
  2. The day before, macerate the strawberries with the sugar and lemon juice in a bowl, cover and place cool for at least 12 hours. Keep lemon seeds.
  3. The next day, bring this preparation, to a boil in a jam bowl, donate to the bowl, cover and let stand in the fridge.
  4. On the third day, filter the strawberries in a colander covered with a fine cheese or gauze. Set aside the strawberries and bring the syrup to the boil in the jam bowl by adding the lemon seeds in a small sachet type tea in fabric. Continue cooking over high heat to reach the temperature of 105 ° (count between 20 to 30 minutes), stir regularly to the wooden spoon.
  5. Meanwhile, sterilize your jars Le Parfait : Place them in your sink, lid up and pour boiling water on it. Then use a clean cloth to put them on the worktop.
  6. Add the half -candied strawberries to the bowl, once back to a boil, continue cooking with small broths by stirring delicately and pour into the jars using a ladle and the jam funnel.
  7. Turn them over for one minute and rinse them with hot water to remove all pulling.

Recipe offered by @Aliceinfood

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