Recipe Ketchup with fresh fruit canned

Une sauce tomate d'accord, mais pas n'importe quel condiment : un ketchup original à base de fruits frais. Audacieuse ? Oui, et délicieuse, cette petite sauce sucrée.

Ketchup aux fruits frais en conserve
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Number of persons: Pour 5 terrines
  • 8 tomates
  • 4 pêches jaunes (plus goutteuses à la cuisson que les pêches blanches)
  • 4 poires variété Guyot
  • 2 oignons
  • 3 branches de céleri
  • 500 g de cassonade
  • 375 ml de vinaigre blanc
  • 10 g de sel
  • 10 g du mélange 4 épices (cannelle, gingembre, muscade, girofle)
  • Une pincée de cumin en poudre

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  1. Peel the tomatoes, peaches and the pears with a fine peal and diced fruits and vegetables.
  2. Place everything in a casserole dish, add the brown sugar, vinegar, salt and spices and wear Ébullition.
  3. Lower the heat and simmer this sweet sauce for 1 hour until it is breaded. If this tomato sauce seems too liquid, remove one with ladles of cooking broth.
  4. Fill the jars up to 2 cm from the edge. Close and proceed immediately to heat treatment for 1 hour to 100 ° C. If you prefer a smooth fruits ketchup, slightly mix the preparation before filling your jars. Your canned house ketchup is over.

Tips: also try a variant of this condiment with granny apples, a tangy delight!

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