Recipe Kombucha Nature with tea

Kombucha nature au thé
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Number of persons: Plusieurs
  • 1L d'eau non chlorée
  • 5g de thé noir tannique
  • 1 mère de kombucha
  • 125ml de liquide de kombucha ou de vinaigre de cidre
  • 70g de sucre

Recommended products

We recommend: "LA PARFAITE" - Bouteille Swing Top embossée - 1L


  1. Infuse the tea 15 to 20 minutes, filter, then add the sugar and let cool
  2. In your super jar, add the Kombucha liquid to the preparation which accompanied the mother, or apple cider vinegar.
  3. Place the mother on the preparation, the white side upwards, then place a fabric above your container and leave to ferment in an airy space for 7 to 10 days. After this period, your recipe must have the smell of a cider.
  4. If the mother has black and sticky traces, remove them and then keep the mother in a little drink for subsequent use.
  5. You can then consume your Kombucha after filtered it. If you want a sparkling drink, pour your preparation into a Swing Top bottle Le Parfait And let stand 3 to 4 days at room temperature.
  6. Then keep your drink in the refrigerator until tasting. 

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